Saturday, February 28, 2009

Beware of Soy

In the last few weeks I began researching soy and soy products for the possibility of using a soy based formula. I had heard that there was estrogen in soy so I was wary to begin with. I just could not imagine that people are unknowingly pumping their children full of estrogen. I typed several different phrases into Google such as “dangers of soy” and “soy harmful”. I could not believe how much information sprung up. I understand that you have to be very careful when reading information on the Internet, never knowing if the site is reputable. However, there seems to be a growing amount of people trying to get the public’s attention about the dangers of soy.

Here are just two quotes from a plethora of data on a website called soy online service that I found to be very alarming. I also read similar findings on other websites.
Most modern soy foods are not fermented to neutralize toxins in soybeans, and are processed in a way that denatures proteins and increases levels of carcinogens

Soy foods contain trypsin inhibitors that inhibit protein digestion and affect pancreatic function. In test animals, diets high in trypsin inhibitors led to stunted growth and pancreatic disorders. Soy foods increase the body’s requirement for vitamin D, needed for strong bones and normal growth. Phytic acid in soy foods results in reduced bioavailabilty of iron and zinc which are required for the health and development of the brain and nervous system. Soy also lacks cholesterol, likewise essential for the development of the brain and nervous system. Megadoses of phytoestrogens in soy formula have been implicated in the current trend toward increasingly premature sexual development in girls and delayed or retarded sexual development in boys.

For now, I’ll stick to breastfeeding. I do not want to use a dairy based formula due to the risk of causing milk allergies and I certainly feel less comfortable about soy. From what I have gathered, anytime you hear of a new “super food” look for the person or corporation behind it making millions of dollars off of unsuspecting consumers who are just trying to do the right thing.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson

I have recently been reading the book Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson. This is a fantastic book for anyone raising a boy. Dr. Dobson gives information based on research and a foundation of biblical principles that will guide parents in shaping their child’s character. I appreciated the topics on the differences between boys and girls, the importance of Fathers and Mothers, the impact of radical feminism on boys, just to name a few. If you are looking for a book to aide you in raising a boy with confidence and character, Bringing Up Boys is for you. If you have a son or know someone who will be having a boy, I strongly suggest this book.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Best Baby Food Book for a First Time Mom

I purchased several baby food books with hopes of combining all the material to create a system that works for me. After looking at a few of them, I found the So Easy Baby Food Kit to be far superior. The So Easy Baby Food book was informative and easy for a visual learner like me. The book is broken into sections for each age group. At the beginning of each section there is a list of fruits and vegetables taking into account a baby’s digestive development as well as the appropriate age for a baby to consume nitrates (found in carrots, green beans, spinach and other vegetables). This book provides a full page for each vegetable or fruit with instructions on how to pick, store and prepare each food. It also suggests good foods to mix with each other including spices.

The trays are great because they are BPA free and free from other chemicals that can be harmful to children.

Although I highly recommend this baby food kit, I do caution parents about the So Easy way to prepare baby food. The book suggests steaming the food in the microwave by covering the food with plastic wrap. This is very ironic considering the accompanying trays are free from many chemicals. I do not use this system to cook my baby food. Instead I use the rest of the information on choosing, storing, preparing, and mixing and then I cook and puree the food in my Beeba Babycook from Williams Sonoma.

Friday, February 6, 2009

“Medium or Large?”

Have you noticed the fast food marketing lately? It really is deceitful. I was ordering a value meal from Del Taco and they responded back to me, “Medium or large?” I said medium thinking it was the smaller of the two and I did not need all the extra food. What I did not realize is that the value meal as priced on the menu comes in a small size. When they asked me if I wanted medium or large, I assumed I had to choose one of them. Sneaky, but obviously it works. I have to remind myself when ordering to say small is fine when they ask “Medium or Large?”

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to Save Money by Making Your Own Foaming Hand Soap

We use a large quantity of soap in our household. Having a baby and a dog will do that to a family. A couple years ago we made the transition in our home from regular antibacterial liquid hand soap to foaming antibacterial hand soap. When comparing the two, it seemed obvious to us that liquid hand soap was a much better deal for the money, but once you go foam you cannot go back. We have tried, but it just seems like the liquid soap will not rinse off our hands after using foaming soap. I thought we were stuck paying the same price for a bottle with mostly water in it as we would for one full of liquid soap. It is no wonder Bath and Body Works has been increasing its supply of the foaming soaps. It is a huge moneymaker for them. Scented tap water to wash your hands anyone?

We were looking for ways that we can cut back on our spending and I thought this might be an area. I was ready to go back to the liquid soap, or even bar soap, when I did some research online and found that making foaming soap is a cinch. I already have the dispensers from my Bath and Body Works purchases so that part is taken care of. Now we just need a good smelling antibacterial liquid hand soap or dish soap and we are set to make our own. If you are partial to the Bath and Body Works or Williams Sonoma scents like we are in my family just buy one of their large refills of liquid soap.

This is the recipe I will follow:
2/3 cup of water
2-3 Tablespoons of liquid soap

Step one- gently mix the soap and the water (do not shake)
Step two- pour into foaming soap dispenser
Step three- enjoy the money you are saving

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dear Mr. Obama

Dear President Obama,

I have a suggestion that may save our nation financially. Please choose a citizen to audit your cabinet and other elected officials. This citizen should be honorable, competent, and experienced. This citizen should be free from political bias. This citizen should have a record that demonstrates integrity. My husband meets these standards and I would recommend him (the CPA audit chief), however he hates tax law.

It is my strong opinion that if you were to do this, we will no longer need such an astronomical stimulus/spending bill. I believe that the IRS would receive so much money from unpaid taxes and penalties that we might even come out ahead. Just look at the money received from Geithner and Daschle alone; nearly $200,00! Imagine how much could be found if all of the members of congress were audited.

Please also recommend that people not spend more than they make.

Kimberly Brown
citizen with common sense