Sunday, March 29, 2009

How I drink less soda

My new drink of choice.

I have a difficult time drinking water consistently. I like soda but I am becoming increasingly aware of the harmful effects of it. Not only is the sugar a problem for psoriasis sufferers (and for health in general), the caffeine is as well. The author of Healing Psoriasis suggested drinking sparkling water as an alternative to soda. So, I made the switch and it was really easy. If I want a little flavor I just add some lemon or lime, or even a small amount of juice (I only buy 100% juice no sugar added). So far I have not craved soda at all. I guess what I was craving was the carbonation. What an easy fix.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Samsung Eternity Cell Phone for one penny from

It's been a long time since I got a new cell phone, but I decided it was time since I was eligible for an upgrade with my current AT&T contract. I did some research and set my heart on a new Samsung Eternity. I read some reviews and everybody who had one seemed to love it; many people preferring it over more expensive phones like the iPhone.

I went on and purchased by phone for 1 penny with a new 2 year contract. It's been a few weeks, but I am very satisfied with my choice. The phone is very easy to use and the touchscreen is great. I appreciate the calendar, appointments and contacts features and it has been very easy to learn how to use.

How To Eeat More Vegetables

How to Eat more Vegetables

I like vegetables. My husband does not. I feel a great sense of responsibility as the main food preparer to provide nutritious meals that promote our health and not our decline. Recently, we both had lab work done to check our cholesterol among other things. My scores came back incredibly good. The doctor told me people would pay to have my scores. My husband’s not so much. Prior to this I had become lax about providing complete meals. I think I just did not like making things that he did not like. Sure, if you put enough butter and sugar on anything, it can taste good. The problem with that is it defeats the purpose. The scores changed all that. I have a responsibility to get him his vegetables, like it or not.

With new purpose, I sprung into action. If there is one thing I have learned in the last year from my family’s medical issues it is that one vegetable on a plate at dinner is just not enough to promote a healthy life. I began making vegetables for every meal without fail. I also began injecting vegetables and garlic into everything in the form of purees. This idea came to me from the book Deceptively Delicious. It is easy for me because we have a baby in the house so purees are ever-present. I have put zucchini in rice, tomatoes in beans, cauliflower in macaroni and cheese, squash into chili, spinach in spaghetti sauce, etc. I can’t keep a secret like this so I will always tell him what he ate afterwards. It was amazing that he did not know while he was eating it. It has gotten to the point where he will ask me what kinds of surprises are in his dinner tonight.

Eat your vegetables. Your health and your family’s health depend on it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Healing Psoriasis Without Medication

Healing Psoriasis Without Medication

I just bought the book called Healing Psoriasis by John O.A. Pagani, D.C. and I am thrilled about the possibilities. I read the reviews of this book on Amazon and was amazed at the results people have experienced. It seems that if you follow the regimen in this book, really follow it, you will rid yourself of psoriasis. So, what’s the catch? Well, it is all about diet. People do no like to follow diets. Most want a quick fix. We have become a society that values our freedom to do what we want over our health. I am included here. I do not like to be told I cannot do something. Is it worth risking my health for my own stubbornness?

I have not read very far yet, but here are a few interesting points I have gathered so far.
-Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder
-Psoriasis is a symptom that you body is unhealthy, despite what doctors might tell you
-Psoriasis is caused by the leaky gut syndrome (the intestinal walls are damaged by something which causes it to become porous causing toxic elements to enter the blood stream which taxes the liver and the kidneys and thus the skin tries to help remove the toxins)
-strep throat, antibiotics, heredity, just to name a few can be factors in getting psoriasis
-there are 7 common types of psoriasis, one being psoriatic arthritis
-400 people die each year from psoriasis related illness

Most of the book that I have read so far provided the backdrop for the cure. I could not help but look ahead at the diet portion. Like many other health related diets, it is fairly strict. I was shocked that it allows some grains and dairy and that tomatoes and nightshade vegetables are to be avoided at all costs. I was also surprised to find that for psoriasis, it is combination of foods that are ingested causing the problem. For example bananas and apples may be eaten, but not with other foods. The purpose of rules like this are to increase the alkaline in the body and to decrease the acid. I will keep you posted as I read more of the book.