Saturday, March 21, 2009

How To Eeat More Vegetables

How to Eat more Vegetables

I like vegetables. My husband does not. I feel a great sense of responsibility as the main food preparer to provide nutritious meals that promote our health and not our decline. Recently, we both had lab work done to check our cholesterol among other things. My scores came back incredibly good. The doctor told me people would pay to have my scores. My husband’s not so much. Prior to this I had become lax about providing complete meals. I think I just did not like making things that he did not like. Sure, if you put enough butter and sugar on anything, it can taste good. The problem with that is it defeats the purpose. The scores changed all that. I have a responsibility to get him his vegetables, like it or not.

With new purpose, I sprung into action. If there is one thing I have learned in the last year from my family’s medical issues it is that one vegetable on a plate at dinner is just not enough to promote a healthy life. I began making vegetables for every meal without fail. I also began injecting vegetables and garlic into everything in the form of purees. This idea came to me from the book Deceptively Delicious. It is easy for me because we have a baby in the house so purees are ever-present. I have put zucchini in rice, tomatoes in beans, cauliflower in macaroni and cheese, squash into chili, spinach in spaghetti sauce, etc. I can’t keep a secret like this so I will always tell him what he ate afterwards. It was amazing that he did not know while he was eating it. It has gotten to the point where he will ask me what kinds of surprises are in his dinner tonight.

Eat your vegetables. Your health and your family’s health depend on it.

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