Sunday, April 19, 2009

No TV for My Baby is My Goal

I don't let my 11 month old watch TV. This includes Baby Einstein, Thomas, Sesame Street, etc. I have heard it said several times that there is no television that is appropriate for children under the age of three. Many DVDs have labels of appropriateness for children as young as 6 months old but I don't believe them. While the material may be age-appropriate the act of sitting and staring at a multicolored moving screen while hearing fake voices is not. A young child's brain cannot comprehend what is being seen. My opinion is that the age-appropriateness is a marketing ploy.

Now in all fairness, I only have one child, I do have the news on often, and my husband will often have sports on. Can I say that my child has never watched any TV? No. My goal is to allow no cartoon type, fake voice TV for as long as I can. If I find my child looking at the TV for more than a few seconds I turn it off. I also do not want him sitting in front of the TV when he should be moving and exploring to learn. This is my goal. So far, so good. There was one day when I fought really hard not to let myself pop in a Baby Einstein DVD. I didn't, but I know I will have a much harder time when I have more than one child.

Three years old is my goal. We will see. This is why I am a stay and home mom. So I have the will power and energy to do the things I feel are best for my family. I don't always succeed, but this is the goal.

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