Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Is Obama making progress on Iran?

Here is an excerpt from Joel Rosenberg's blog on the topic of America's popularity in Iran. Rosenberg is the author of the political thriller series "The Last Jihad" as well as two other best sellers "Epicenter" and "Inside the Revolution". I consider him and expert on the topic.

What’s happening? Why were we more popular in Iran when George W. Bush was in
office? Because President Bush told the truth. He didn't kowtow to the Radicals
in Tehran. He accurately described them as members of the “axis of evil.”
President Obama, by contrast, keeps apologizing about American shortcomings —
real and perceived — and keeps beseeching Iran’s Radicals to please, please come
to the table and talk to us. Iranians by and large hate their government for
lying to them and enslaving them and destroying their economy and their
children’s future. They don’t respect Western leaders who legitimize the tyrants
who oppress them, plain and simple.

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